
Thursday, 19 July 2012

Hang on a minute...?

Whoops! Late again!

Thank you everyone who left a comment on my hookers! (Which sounds so wrong by the way!) I loved reading them, and was quite surprised by the response because I personally didn't find them very hook-ey!

But ONWARDS, to the hangers. 


Chap 1 - He’s unmistakably dead.
 Chap 2 - A guard yells at us to be silent, and we are.
Chap 3 -  As I'm led away, to gods knows where, all I can think is how long it'll be before I'll loath being called Princess.

I've enjoyed this blogfest! You lot always come up with such good themes! Just wish I'd been a bit more organised and got these out on time!

I will eventually get around to reading others, promise! 

Sarah x

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Gotta love me some Hookers!

Well that title's bound to get some views...
(sorry this is late!)

So, I know I've been absent, but so has my brain. With moving Uni house, and mum deciding to redecorate most of our house, my muse seems to have gotten lost in the mess. Its so infuriating, because it's summer, and this is when I have the most time to write and I just can't seem to be able to do it!

Reading my WIP hookers... they don't seem very... hook-ish to me. If I'm completely honest, I'd never really taken a good close look at the beginning and endings of my chapters before now! If nothing else, these two posts will be an exercise in being more... hook-ey?

Chap 1 - "Thief!"
Chap 2 - Panic grabs hold of my throat and I can’t breathe.
Chap 3 - There are no windows in this godsforsaken prison. 

I'm sure I have other hookers floating about the place, but this post is late so I just better get it out here quick!

See you, tomorrow, I guess for the hangers!

Sarah x